
Showing posts from April, 2022
 Last Tuesday we had a funeral for a 32 year old Navajo young man who was killed in a car accident.   We didn’t know any of his family, but our Branch President was conducting the funeral, so we needed to be there.  We got to the church and noticed the hearse was there and people were all outside milling about.  No one had a key.  One of Rich's key to another building fit the kitchen door, so he opened up and then people thought he knew stuff and were asking questions that he didn't have answers to.  They had the funeral service first and then the viewing after.  After the funeral and viewing we followed the hearse and people out to Navajo Mountain to a family plot.   We drove almost 70 miles to get to a dirt road and then probably 5 miles on a one way dirt road that dead ended at the family cemetery.  I wondered what kind of hearse would be able to go on what Rich terms Navajo Pavement – a combination of sand, rocks, mud, slick rock, etc.  It was a white suburban. 4 Wheel Driv