Gardening 101

The gardening program that the church has instituted is amazing.  I am looking forward to putting in a “church” garden when I get home.  There are some gardens that have provided for them for years.  But like anything else, only a few continue with the work necessary to do it year after year.  I think we will have about 21 gardens in our Branch.  Our Branch clerk is in charge, and he does a tremendous amount of work on the garden at our church property.  Our chapel is located at about 6000 feet and so our season is a bit behind the other locations.  I am still happiest when I have a shovel or a weed eater in my hand. 

 We have three tillers that we lend out so people can prepare their ground.  The church provides the drip system, fencing, a bag of soil conditioner, and seeds for the season.  The participants have to provide the labor.  Water is still an issue so while we have several contacts that would like church gardens, it is a bit hard when they don’t have running water and have to haul it. 

We have been taking inventory of all the connexes in our area.  Rich may learn the difference between fertilizer and soil conditioner. 

We may not be welcome everywhere.  Even this gate stopped Rich.  

We went to a meeting in a southern part of the reservation.  We took a few pictures on our way back and were counting our blessings because our part of the reservation is beautiful compared to the parts we drove through.  

This is a view in our part of the reservation

Sunsets here are amazing every night.  I take them as a personal reminder that God loves me.  

Easter egg hunts are a delight anytime and Navajo kids really are cute.  See the green lawn.  I am pretty sure this is the only lawn on the whole reservation.

Looks like smog?  Nope - Just dust.  There are big mountains in the background - just covered by blowing sand.  

New Friends – there seems to be a community of on my patio.  It’s actually been fun to learn about them. 

Navajo Mountain Hike

 I believe Rich is part mountain goat.  We parted ways at about 100 feet into the hike.  He was the first up the mountain other than the four wheeler that accompanied us. Rich has video of wind and snow at the top.  It was so cold that the water in his camelbak tube froze.  I only made it halfway and that was plenty far for me.    

Elder Warr 


Being a parent is hard.  One of the most difficult things I did as a parent was to tell my kids no or not now.  I hated being “mean”.  I hated them to be mad at me.

*       You are so mean

*       That’s unfair

*       Why not

*       Why

Those were favorite retorts to seemingly senseless rules, jobs, or discipline.  I personally would have loved to let them play instead of do homework.    But I couldn’t because I had enough experience to know that it wasn’t good for them.  And so, I made rules and watched them cry and be mad and be sad and disappointed when they didn’t get their own way. 

We have Heavenly Parents.  They have set up rules and guidelines because they have a lot more experience than we do.  Our dialogue with our Heavenly Father is through prayer.  When we pray to God, and He says no – we might want to cry and get angry or even think he is not there or at least not listening.  But He is there, and He is listening.  He cares too much to let us do it “our” way.  And so sometimes the answer is wait.  Sometimes the answer is no.  Sometimes it seems no answer is coming.  But I believe with all my heart He is being the best parent and my job is to listen and obey.    So, no matter what happens, continue to pray.  The answer will eventually come.  It might not be the answer we want.  But it will come.  Believe He is there.  Just as much as I am alive and here and can talk to you – God is here and alive and can talk to you.  Just take time to talk to him and then take time to listen.  He will listen to all your worries, all your problems.  He delights in your successes and your happiness.  Tell him about your day.  Tell him what worries you.  Tell him what you are thankful for.  He loves you and wants to talk to you.  Pray………. And so I ask you to pray on behalf of this beleaguered land for moisture to provide for their animals and crops.  I'm not sure what the answer will be, but I will keep pleading because I know He is there.  


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